Burnley mum threatened to kill ex-partner's new lover

Burnley Magistrates' CourtBurnley Magistrates' Court
Burnley Magistrates' Court
A mum-of-two terrorised her ex's new love and threatened her with death, a court heard.

Kieley McKenzie, who had gone through a bitter split from former partner Daniel Nuttall, texted and phoned Rebecca Wilkinson and was abusive and foul-mouthed towards her.

McKenzie threatened her "you're getting it today" and "I'm going to ram my car through your door." She was warned by the police, but stormed round to the victim's home in Burnley, armed with a weapon shouting and screaming, booting the door, banging on the living room window and telling the victim repeatedly "I'm going to kill you."

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The 27-year-old was angry because she perceived Mr Nuttall, the father of her children, had lied to a judge, telling the court he wasn't in a relationship, the town's magistrates were told.

The court heard McKenzie had been given an order last April and said she didn't even think about it when she breached it and made the threats to kill Miss Wilkinson four months later. She claimed she didn't know why she had gone round to the victim's home.

Mr Andrew Sinker (prosecuting) told the court mother-of-two Miss Wilkinson had had a relationship with Mr Nuttall and had known the defendant for about two years.

He continued: "From January to April 2018, Rebecca Wilkinson received numerous phone calls and text messages from McKenzie. She was abusive towards her and turned up at her home unannounced on a number of occasions."

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Mr Sinker said that the defendant was given a harassment warning, but on August 10th went round to Miss Wlkinson's screaming and shouting, trying to kick the door in and yelling: "I'm going to kill you. Get this door open."

The barrister told the hearing the defendant said she had been to the family court on August 10th, was upset and angry when she left and went to Miss Wilkinson's house in her car. He said when asked if she had wanted to scare the victim, she replied: "I don't know what I wanted to do, to be honest. My head just went.

"The defendant said she had had a wooden stick," he added.

Mr David Leach (defending) said Mr Nuttall had begun a relationship with Miss Wilkinson and she had effectively been "collateral damage" in the acrimonious separation of Mr Nuttall and McKenzie.

The solicitor said between January and August, there were four family court hearings. He added: "She perceived Mr Nuttall was telling lies to the family court judge and it angered her."

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The solicitor, who said McKenzie had always worked, continued: "She accepts it was inappropriate behaviour. She is embarrassed and perhaps ashamed of her actions and clearly didn't set out to cause Miss Wilkinson harassment, any fear of any form. She felt her heightened emotional state contributed to her reactions."

McKenzie, of Wharfedale Avenue, Burnley, admitted harassment, between New Year's Day and August 11th last year. She was given a 12-month community order, with a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and 40 hours unpaid work. McKenzie was told to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

She also received a two-year restraining order, banning her from contacting the victim and from going onto her street.